Thursday, November 12, 2009

Text as a Graphic Element

For this project, I decided to make a music themed image. For all of my life, music has been one of my passions, both playing and listening to it. I chose to place images of the instruments that I play, and a sound board into the letters spelling out "music" on top of the antique sheet music since I started out learning classical music. All of the images were found off the Internet, with the exception of the bass in the "S" which my boyfriend took and edited. To achieve this look, I did each letter separately in their own layer, converting them to outlines, then using the clipping mask option to crop them into the letters. I tried to keep a balance of color by positioning the grey toned images at both ends and the colored one in the middle.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Childhood Memory

One of my first childhood memories is playing in a little kiddie pool with my cousin at my grandparents house, and after we went "swimming we would snack on Nutty Bars. To creat this image, I found a scene that resembled my grandparents backyard, then a image of little kids at a pool. I edited the cartoon kids in Photoshop then placed it onto the Illustrator version. Once in Illustrator, I placed a Nutty Bar in the girls hand and placed the box on the ground. I also drew in the splashes and added the childish writing with the paintbrush tool.